MedCorp EMS Billing has teamed up with Ambulance Information Management Services, AIMS, to provide you with a complete line of software solutions that work seamlessly for greater effeciency.   AIMS software is NEMSIS 3.4 compliant to resolve your state reporting requirements.

Dispatch Module -   The dispatch module is a per volume monthly charge to resolve your

                                      dispatch needs.

PCR Module -            

Billing Module -     

Our Software Solutions

Call us now at 770-224-7081 ext 700 to schedule an onsite meeting, or schedule a "Go To Meeting" overview and demo with your staff.

The billing module is the heart of the AIMS software.    Automatic data validation prevents incomplete and incorrect claim submissions to reduce denials and rejections.  AIMS offers real time 24/7/265 reporting features for all of your reporting needs.

Built in eligibility verification speeds up the process of pre-billing your claims and making sure you are transmitting to the correct payor. 

660 East Church Street, Suite A

Jasper, Georgia 30143-1312

Office:      770-224-7081

Toll Free:   833-245-5367

Fax :         678-823-7129

AIMS PCR software is a fully customizable PCR program.   You are able to create templates for Dialysis patients, Discharges, Emergency trips,  Standby trips, etc.   This will allow you to create a narrative template that will auto generate based on the template you select.

You also have full control of what items carry from trip to trip in order to reduce data entry on your field personnel.   This is extremely useful in carrying patient history and insurance information from trip to trip.